Tell us who you are and what your role is here at Transcover?
I’m Emily and I look after the Parts & Customer Service at Transcover. 😊
What does that role involve on a day-to-day basis?
My main role is to make sure parts are dispatched and arrive with their new owners on a daily basis. I also answer incoming calls from customers, suppliers and anyone else who decides to ring that day and process the majority of parts & tarps orders over the phone/email and via our online web shop.
Tell people something they may not know about you?
I was a hairdresser for nearly 6 years
Night in or Night out?
Night In!
Cooked Dinner or Takeaway?
Cooked Dinner 100%
City Break or Summer Holiday?
Summer Holiday – the hotter the better!
Favourite Sports team or Hobby?
The gym!