Tell us who you are and what your role is here at Transcover?
I’m Rick and I am the Product Design and Marketing Manager
What does that role involve on a day to day basis?
I work with our engineers to design our innovative sheeting systems. That involves producing CAD models, manufacturing drawings, instruction manuals + other technical documentation. Along with the technical tasks, I also create our marketing material & manage the social media team.
Tell people something they may not know about you?
Some of my colleagues might not even know that I have a near identical twin brother.
Night in or Night out?
Night out – BUT nothing too strenuous! I’m getting on a bit now so a nice pub or swanky restaurant vibe would suit me.
Cooked Dinner or Takeaway?
Takeaway I think. I really love cooking but nothing beats when it’s done for you
City Break or Summer Holiday?
City Break – I prefer to explore than sun seek. Although a sunny city break would be ideal…
Favourite Sports team or Hobby?
I am a huge, now suffering, Manchester United fan. Supported them since I can remember (dads orders).
Hobbies include learning to play piano, running & I still pick up a pencil and draw from time to time.