Our Product Design assistant answers our Quick-Fire questions!
Tell us who you are and what your role is here at Transcover?
I am Cameron Hines and I am a Product Design/Marketing Assistant
What does that role involve on a day to day basis?
I design our internal documents to make sure everything can be completed with ease; this includes our dispatch checklists and tarp drawings. I also give a hand with footage and videos of our products in use
Tell people something they may not know about you?
I am terrible at answering quick fire questions
Night in or Night out?
Depends on my mood, but night in sounds better
Cooked Dinner or Takeaway?
100000% takeaway. Who has time to cook
City Break or Summer Holiday
Summer holidays, you can’t glisten with a tan from the city
Favourite Sports team or Hobby?
My favourite sports team is Charlton Athletic (up the Addicks)